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Health Care in UK - 医疗保健

The following is for information only as a start. Please check for yourself the absolute accuracy from the relevant authority.

Health care is delivered by many governance systems for a country known as "England" (英国) to foreigners. This is because what foreigners call "England" in their mother language is United Kingdom which is a union of four countries, sports fans many know, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This union is confusing even for some of the native English, especially those below 30 years of age, who believe, as a typical example, that Northern Ireland is not part of the UK. Because of this union of countries the "national" health service is therefore not one but many and whose services are slightly different depending on where you are resident. (It has to be said that some specialised health service may or may not be delivered, whether free or fee, depending on a small area as small as that defined by a "post code", this inequality of health service to citizens, who are deemed to be equal in law and in human rights is called "post code lottery".)

In summary here are the essential points for England (only):-

  • The National Health Service (NHS) has a huge expenditure therefore what is payable can be complex depending on whether the service that you need is a general health issue, dental issue or an issue needing hospital treatment and care. When you are in England here is a start for a summary of this complex picture, "Information for visitors to England". Here follows some quick tips:
  • When you are a tourist then you pay for, or your own health or travel insurance, all health services, except for some situations, notably, emergency services.
  • When you are a full time student from any country on a course for more than 6 months.
  • When you are under employment then ask your employer for further details.
  • The most common health service needed by a full time student is a visit to see a doctor. called a General Practioner, GP, this consultation is free. GPs are the front line to all other medical services.The medicine, chargeable at a single fixed fee per item, is free to those full time students under 18. A summary of what and who is charged for medicines is :"Prescription costs".
  • A GP appointment may be difficult to get, a local pharmacist or chemist is very useful for advice for minor issues, just go into such a shop and ask.
  • All hospital services, except for accidents and emergencies, require a GP referral (this is to say, see a GP first). A hospital offers X ray, scans and specialised services.
  • Dental service is either provided by the NHS or by private business. Students in full time education get free dental service for NHS up to age of 19. No GP referral is required to see a dentist or orthodontist.
  • When at university, ask Student Services for further information. There is usually a university web page which gives some guidance for students.
  • There are also many voluntary and charitable services which assist any one regarding health issues, these typically offer advice for mental, drug and alcoholic, sexual and health impact of social issues. Note that these organisations are empowered by law to take action for minors, e.g. in the protection of a child against abuse by a child's parent, in sexual health by the issue of condoms or leaflets.

Health Care in Hainan, China

  • In summary, health services are chargeable
  • further, to be done


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